Learning Experience Design

Weekly Thoughts

I really need to get back to this! My new MacBook has brought me back to writing so I thought I'd start publishing a weekly recap. I'm not sure if anyone will really care to read it, but it's so much fun to document.

I've been on vacation for the past week, this time with no destinations planned! Taking a week off to get things in order and finish some lingering projects has been really relaxing. We spend a few days in Asheville for my sister's birthday. On our way up from Charlotte, we stopped at the Skytop Orchard for some of their famous apple cider donuts. Seeing the pumpkins and feeling the crisp mountain air definitely got me ready for Halloween!

Grad school has been on my mind for a little while, and this week I really put my effort into completing my application! Keep your fingers crossed. I submitted my application fee and statement of purpose on Friday! I'll be getting a graduate certificate in Instructional Systems Technology, which builds upon my undergrad experience and the things I've come to love at work.

Grad school application: submitted!

Almost as appropriate, I went through some of the mounds of clothes I amassed while I was in college and needless to say, I had to throw a bunch away. They no longer fit and I was packing them up and unpacking them every season, with a majority going unworn. It was to the point where I felt like the clothes were holding me back. Immediately after the clothing purge of Fall 2015, I went to the weekly Lululemon clearance update and picked up a few things.

Why Lululemon? Well, after dealing with the fact that I am indeed no longer a medium in shirts, I've decided to commit to a healthier lifestyle that includes picking up running again. Managing my health this year has been a big task and I'm tired of making excuses as to why I'm not taking care of myself. I signed up for a run-tracking app and so far, so good.

Maybe I subconsciously wanted to prepare for the Runway 5K! It snuck up on me very fast! I signed up for the race back in August and this morning, Mom, Dad and I braved the 40-something degree weather to head out to the airport. It was a beautiful morning for a run and I got some really great shots of big, beautiful airplanes. I really liked seeing the Panthers-themed plane since they're undefeated right now and the "heritage" US Airways plane was cool as well.

Tonight we'll be spending the night in waiting for trick-or-treaters, watching Hocus Pocus and eating bowls and bowls of Trisha Yearwood's Pinterest recipe for chicken tortilla soup. Here's to the Pumpkin King!