Learning Experience Design

Weekly Review | W33 2016

Moving to Nashville has been quite crazy. I want public accountability to some of my goals and also provide my friends and family with updates! Here's the first Weekly Review.

Walking to work isn't bad with this view!

Thursday marked my first month at Lyft! For those of you who don't know, I packed everything up, left my job of nearly 10 years at Apple and joined Lyft in their training department. So far it has been a blast. I've learned so much already and am really enjoying the culture. If you haven't downloaded Lyft yet, use code DANIEL157174 to get a surprise on your first ride!

Lyft is pretty incredible.

Of course, I've scoped out some really awesome food spots here. This is probably one of my favorite brunches I've had – it has a real San Francisco vibe to it. Saint Añejo is in The Gulch here in Nashville and also has one of the most insane drink specials I've ever seen: 2 for 1 cocktails during brunch! Impressive.

Brunch vibes.

The second is Cafe Lula at The Ryman. I've been trying to bring my lunch as often as possible in an effort to stay healthy. Cafe Lula is a short walk from the office and the atmosphere and food are very relaxing if I'm feeling the stress. Can't wait to try their Nashville Hot Rotisserie chicken one day soon.

Lunch spots.

This week I'm leaving you with a sign I stumbled upon in Atlanta during a last week's trip. It really struck me. Keep Going. I took a Fly Wheel class in Atlanta and the instructor kept screaming "finish what you started!" I really took that to heart and encourage you to do the same. Keep Going. Finish What you Started. It's been a crazy month with a rollercoaster of almost every emotion possible; but I keep going.

Keep Going.